


Various States of the Sudan

Time period :

Since independence of Sudan 1956

Implementing Institution/ Organization:

Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources

Funded by :

Various doners governmental and NGOs

Methodology (approach)

Water harvesting projects are recognized by the government as a priority to provide access to safe water as a key element for stability and socio-economic development in the rural areas, where people depend solely on erratic rains as source of water.


Development of water resources away from the Nile corridor, through collection, and storage of rainwater and recharge of groundwater.
• Development of the rural areas, socially and economically (poverty alleviation) through improved water access.
• Supply domestic water for human and livestock and for irrigation.
• Enhance animal production, agriculture production and fish farming.

Study Results

Until 2013 the estimated volumes of the hafirs were about 15 Million Cubic Meters (MCM) and that for small earth dams was about 30 MCM.


The estimated overall annual rainfall in Sudan is about 442 Billion Cubic Meter (BCM). In comparison to other water resources, rainfall can make a difference.


In view of the current conflict between the three countries, Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan about the shared resources in the Blue Nile River after the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), Sudan should embark heavenly on rainfall harvesting projects.

Lessons learned

It is time for Sudan to utilize all available resources, rainfall.


• AKSAD (2011), Study of Promotion and Development of Water Facilities, Sudan .
• DIU (2015), Technical Design Report for Construction of 10 Hafirs, North Kordofan, Sudan
• NWC (2015). National Workshop for Water Harvesting Projects, Sudan.
• SWECO and Shora (2012), Baseline Report of IWRM Plan for Khor Abu Habil and Khor Baraka.
• Various Technical Reports of the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources (period 2012-2015)