Share your Publications

If you wish to add your publications or any other publications you know of in the field of Non-Conventional Water Resources or any of its components (Desalination, Agricultural Drainage Water Reuse, Reuse of Treated Wastewater, Brackish Groundwater, & Water Harvesting), please send us the full document (or a link to it) using the following

Consent Statement

(Please Copy the following statement and add it to the body of your email upon sending it.)

"I, [Name], hereby consent to the submission and posting of my publications on the Non-Conventional Water Resources Platform. I acknowledge that by submitting my work, I am granting permission for it to be shared and accessed by users of the platform for educational and informational purposes. I understand that the Arab Water Council may utilize my work in accordance with its policies and guidelines. This consent is given freely and without reservation. I gain full responsibility over the content of the published material and AWC holds no responsibility for the Copyrights of the published content."