Reuse of Treated Wastewater

Reuse of treated wastewater was highlighted under Sustainable Development Goal 6, which targets universal sanitation services coverage, improved wastewater management, improved water quality and increased reuse, among other targets to meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Challenge.

It is becoming increasingly important to treat and reuse wastewater to reduce pollution and cope with water scarcity. Proper treatment and reuse of wastewater will increase the economic benefits of the treatment plants investment at least four-folds in addition to the other health and environmental benefits.

Future expansion in reuse of treated wastewater requires the mobilization of huge financial resources for the construction of wastewater collection and treatment plants and conveyance infrastructure. Additionally, cross-sector regional and local collaboration with governmental and other agencies will help develop effective legislation, guidelines and innovative financial tools including the private sector.

Policy-makers need to put on top of their agenda increasing the reuse of treated wastewater via five main pillars: Improved Governance and Leadership, Integrated Planning for Improved Sustainability, Advanced Research and Development, Enhanced Financial Sustainability and Improved Public Awareness and Acceptance.

Safe water treatment and reuse strategies and plans should be put in place to ensure sustainable development.