

Time period

February 2022 – Present (2024)


Al Alamian - Northern Coast

Funded by

Privat Sector

Implementing Institution/ Organization

Privat Sector


• Desalinate about 1000 m3/day of brackish groundwater for irrigation and domestic use
• Environmental utilization to brine water;


Assessing the performance and feasibility of solar powered desalination for brackish groundwater in Egypt.

Methodology (approach)

• Groundwater data collection and analysis;
• Assess of the emerging technologies for desalinating brackish groundwater;
• Selection and implementation of solar powered desalination plant with a capacity of 1000 m3/day;
• Assessing the performance and feasibility of solar powered desalination for brackish groundwater.

Case Study results

This system can desalinate groundwater with salinity (TDS) up to 25,000 ppm, producing 1000 m3/day of potable water that meets WHO and Egyptian standards. Northwestern coastal regions, rich in solar resources, make photovoltaic (PV) power a compelling choice for desalination in resorts and new developments. To address the intermittent nature of solar power, the unit incorporates a single-axis tracking system, PV cleaning, and cooling features, boosting energy yield by 30-35%. However, small-scale PV-RO systems face challenges in maintaining continuous operation due to solar power variability, often requiring costly batteries. Avoiding batteries is a strategic choice, given their maintenance and cost issues, which could inflate expenses by 35%. The estimated cost of desalination using the PV-RO system without batteries ranges from 15-17 LE per cubic meter (0.55-0.63 US$/m3), with a capital expenditure of approximately 850 US$ per cubic meter of capacity.


At this cost level, the PV-RO system remains a viable solution to provide potable water to resource-scarce areas in the northwestern coastal region, comparable to the cost of transferring water from nearby surface sources. However, managing inland brine water discharge remains a significant challenge. Innovative solutions must be explored to minimize environmental impacts and derive greater economic value from this discharge.


• More detailed studies are needed to assess the technical, economical and environmental aspects of desalination emerging technologies for brackish water including groundwater and drainage water.

Lessons learned

• Solar desalination can be considered as a good solution in arid region • solar-powered RO desalination offers an environmentally friendly and cost-effective approach to address water scarcity in arid regions, with potential for further improvements in sustainability and efficiency.


Mohamed A Dawoud, Ghada R Sallam, Mohamed Abdelrahman, and Mohamed Emam (2024), The Performance and Feasibility of Solar Powered Desalination 2 for Brackish Groundwater in Egypt, Sustainability 2023, 15.


Mohamed A Dawoud, Ghada R Sallam, Mohamed Abdelrahman, and Mohamed Emam (2024), The Performance and Feasibility of Solar Powered Desalination 2 for Brackish Groundwater in Egypt, Sustainability 2023, 15. .