


At north eastern edge of the Nile Delta, 15 km from of Port Said Inside the big project of Lake Manzala Engineered wetland.

Time period :

2007 - now

Implementing Institution/ Organization:

Drainage research institute of the National Water Research Center (NWRC).

Funded by :



Improve drainage water quality using low-cost treatment technique to be suitable for Irrigation.


(a) demonstrate innovative low-cost approaches for improving water quality using this form of biotechnology,
(b) to study the safe reuse of the treated water from wetland cells in fish farming and irrigation and cultivation.

Methodology (approach)

1- The pilot wetland (2 fed.) consists of one sedimentation basin, three free water surface wetland cells and one reciprocating unit (two subsurface flow cells).
2- Monitoring program by taking water sample on a biweekly basis.
3- Laboratory Analysis to the different pollutants of the inflow and outflow and 13 different locations in the pilot wetland
4- Statically analysis to the collected data to determine the performance of the pilot wetland to treat the drainage water and if it is suitable to use in irrigation


Constructed wetlands is an efficient and low-quality system for the treatment of low-quality water compared to conventional treatment systems.

Lessons learned

Reuse of agricultural drainage water is one of the most important non-conventional water sources which could be used for agricultural production.

Wetland is a suitable low cost, easy and available technique for polishing the low-quality irrigation water.

References (resources) Found is the case study

Different studies carried out by DRI staff