
United Arab Emirates


Abu Dhbai Emirate

Time period :

September 2023 – December 2024

Implementing Institution/ Organization:

Environment Agency – Abu Dhbai Jointly with other Stakeholders (DOE, SWS and ADDC)

Funded by :

Abu Dhbai Government (DOF)


• Utilizing about 180,000 m3/day of TSE;
• Recharge the groundwater aquifer with TSE to refresh the aquifer system and improve the groundwater quality;
• Stop discharge TSE to Arabian Gulf to minimize the environmental impacts.


Improve and increase the efficiency of water use by utilizing about 180,000 m3/day of treated wastewater water discharge at present to Arabian Gulf.

Methodology (approach)

• Data collection and analysis;
• Assess of the wastewater supply and distribution network;
• Assess of the groundwater aquifer hydrogeological conditions;
• Design and select the optimal locations for aquifer recharge including the recharge capacity, required infrastructure and monitoring system.

Study Results

• Utilizing the excess TSE for groundwater aquifer recharge and can help to improve the deteriorated groundwater quality and create a suitable freshwater reserve for agricultural water use.
• Stop discharging the TSE to environment (Arabian Gulf) has a positive environmental impacts.
• Utilizing excess TSE improve the economics of water use.


Aquifer Recharge with Treated Wastewater in arid region will help to improve the integrated water resources management and help refreshing the deteriorated aquifer systems.


• More detailed studies are needed to assess the technical, economical and environmental aspects of aquifer recharge with TSE.
• Institutional and legal frame work for utilizing TSE in Arab Region need for improvement towards utilizing TSE in aquifer recharge.
• A good monitoring system should be design and implemented.

Lessons learned

• Utilizing the excess TSE for groundwater aquifer recharge and can help to improve the deteriorated groundwater quality and create a suitable freshwater reserve for agricultural water use.
• Stop discharging the TSE to environment (Arabian Gulf) has a positive environmental impacts.
• Utilizing excess TSE improve the economics of water use.


Mohamed Dawoud, Ulrich W Schott and Jakob Schilcher, 2024, Feasibility of artificial recharge for groundwater aquifers with treated wastewater in Abu Dhbai Emirate, UAE, World Groundwater Congress (IAHDAVOS, 2024), Switzerland.


Mohamed Dawoud, Ulrich W Schott and Jakob Schilcher, 2024, Feasibility of artificial recharge for groundwater aquifers with treated wastewater in Abu Dhbai Emirate, UAE, World Groundwater Congress (IAHDAVOS, 2024), Switzerland.