




Egypt has considered desalination as a strategic option for coastal areas development. Sharm El-sheikh mainly depends on it for touristic development. The capacity of its desalination plants has increased from 25.000 m3 /day in the year 2001 to 150 000 m3 /day in year 2018. This has entailed daily discharge of large amounts of desalination reject (brine) into the surrounding environment. There are two different types of feeding water intake (beach wells and open seawater).The disposal of brine discharge can be either through the injection wells or by diffuse into open sea. This study aims to evaluate the potentiality of beach filtration technology for low cost reverse osmoses (RO) desalination and environment protection. The main aquifer in the study area is hydraulically connected with the sea water at Gulf of Aqaba. It has mean hydraulic conductivity of 35 m/day and thickness exceeds 50 meters. The reference water quality has total dissolved solids (TDS) range from 34000 to 35000 mg/l. The simulation model has shown that after 20 years of operation the drawdown will reach only 3- meters at the middle of the feeding wells field and the water salinity as TDS will increase to 45000 mg/l due to brine injection in the aquifer. Beach wells water has silt density index (SDI) value less than one while it reaches 4.4 for open seawater. High SDI values shorten the life of the membranes and increase the chemicals dose required for the removal of deposits on the membrane surface. The removal efficiency of both total organic carbon (UVA245) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in beach wells is 35% and 50% respectively. Also, the total coliform and algae are not detected at beach wells. Beach well filtration prevents clogging of desalination membranes and prolongs its life and reduces the chemicals used compared to direct seawater intakes. The natural filtration action of the subsoil reduces the cost of purchasing chemicals for membranes regeneration and the frequency of backwashing. The chemicals consumption rate per month that is used for beach well intake is much lower than that for open seawater intake desalination plant. Moreover, Beach filtration is environmentally friendly technique that helps to preserve the surrounding environment for sustainable tourism activities.


In the last two decades, Sharm El-Sheikh has witnessed a significant increase in the production of desalinated water to face the continuous water demand. The capacity of its desalination plants has increased from 25000 m3 /day in year 2001 to 150000 m3 /day in year 2018. The main aquifer at Sharm El-Sheikh is hydraulically connected to the sea water and has high productivity in terms of hydraulic conductivity and thickness. The simulation model has shown that after 20 years of operation the drawdown will reach only 3-meters at the middle of the feed well field and the water salinity (TDS) will increase to 45000 mg/l due to brine injection in the same aquifer. Beach wells water quality in terms of SDI value, UVA245, DOC and the total cloliform and algae is suitable to supply RO membrane directly without comprehensive pre-treatment steps. This will prolong the life of the membranes and decrease the chemical dose required for the removal of deposits on the membrane surface. The average total cost for one cubic meter of desalinated water at Sharm El-Sheikh is about 9 LE according to year 2018 prices. The usage of beach wells filtration will reduce it significantly. It is recommended to use beach filtration by constructing beach well fields to feed multiple desalination plants. Other options and measures for brine disposal should be underta ken to improve the situation. It may include collection of brine from different desalination plants to one central place for industrial use and safe disposal.

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