Non-Conventional Water Resources Periodic Award

Recognizing the importance of inspiring researchers and specialists to exert utmost effort towards innovation and creativity in the field of water reuse, the Arab Water Council (AWC) offers, through its Non-Conventional Water Resources Platform (NCWR-Pl), a periodic award for “Creativity and Innovation in the Field of Non-Conventional Water Resources in the Arab Region.” The submitted research study for applying to the award should include applied innovative and creative scientific and technical approaches that is considered an added value in the field of the use of non-conventional water resources, and its applications, as a major strategic pillar for achieving sustainable water security under climate changes and scarce water conditions in the Arab Region in accordance with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

Objective of the Award
The award aims at encouraging water researchers and specialists, young scientists and stakeholders in Arab countries and worldwide, to persistently expand their knowledge using state-of-the-art technologies and innovations related to the field of non-conventional water resources.

Target Groups
Young water researchers, scientists and specialists aged between 20 to 45 years old are eligible to apply for the Award, working in universities, research centers, ministries, relevant authorities, private sector, civil society, regional and international institutions and agencies, to compete for winning the awards that will be delivered to the first three winners from among the total number of award applicants.

Scope and Theme of the 2024 Award
Most of the Arab Countries have been witnessing serious water supply shortages and water crises especially during the past three decades due to rapid population growth coupled with intensive urbanization and social developments, in addition to the negative impacts of climate changes on water supplies and use. Consequently, the use of non-conventional water resources has become one pillar in the national water strategy of every Arab country to augment the available conventional water resources in order to achieve sustainable water security under changing climate. Therefore, climate change adaptation through expanding the use of non-conventional water resources (desalinated water, agricultural drainage water reuse, reuse of treated wastewater, brackish groundwater, water harvesting, etc.) will provide great potential for bridging the water gap between the increasing water demands and the limited water supplies.

On the other hand, the use of non-conventional water resources faces numerous multi-dimensional challenges (technical, institutional, environmental, financial, and socio-economic), which require cumulative experience, knowledge and modern technologies, to maximize the returns from these resources.

Within this context, and based on the Arab Water Council’s mission to support Arab countries in facing the water scarcity challenges, the Council, through its Non-Conventional Water Resources Platform, announces the launch of the 2024 award under the theme “Creativity and Innovation in Enhancement of the Use of Non-Conventional Water Resources for Climate Change Adaptation in the Arab Region” to encourage the advancement of research, innovation, creativity and state-of-the-art technologies in this domain. Scope and Theme of the 2024 Award
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners of this award will be selected by a Board of Arbitrators of specialized professors to be chosen by the Arab Water Council according to the theme of the award. Announcing of the top three award winners for the year 2024 will formally take place on the sidelines of the 6th Arab Water Forum scheduled to be held in September 16 -18, 2024, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Recognition Award
The Arab Water Council will provide a Financial Appreciation Award in addition to a Recognition Certificate and Plaque for creativity and excellence in the field of non-conventional water resources to the first three winners. The winners will be requested to give presentations (physically or online) on the winning research or innovation during this celebration.

Deadline for Award Award Application Forms will be available by June 25, 2024. Applicants have to submit the completed Award Application Form and required supporting documentations to the following email ( no later than July 31, 2024.

Required Papers and Documents
1. The completed Application Form for the award, along with a recent high-resolution photograph of the applicant, and a copy of the applicant’s ID or passport.
2. The applicant’s biodata / short CV (about half page).
3. An electronic copy of the full research paper, project, or innovation submitted to obtain the award (about 12 – 15 pages in English or Arabic including Figs. & Tables).
4. A brief summary (4 - 5 pages) of the scientific research, project, or innovation, in both English & Arabic languages, highlighting the importance of the research in serving countries and societies on the Arab regional or international scales.
5. Evidence, if applicable, in case the project or innovation has been published in refereed international journals.
6. A completed Declaration Form (attached) that the research has not won any award from any other party before, together with a pledge not to submit it to any other party if it wins the Council’s award.

To download the Award Application and Declaration Forms, click here